Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Roots Of Alternative Medicine

The Roots Of Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine and modern medicine have may differences and whose to say which is best? Today, we expect doctors and medicines to fix whatever ails us instantly and doctors only look at the current physical problem when diagnosing our needs.
Alternative or holistic medicine, on the other hand, takes many different factors into consideration before prescribing a cure. This type of healing has been in use for thousands of years and can be very effective. It concerns itself not only with the physical problem, but with the problems of the "whole" self.
Alternative medicine includes massage, therapy, herbal tea, herbal medicine and millions of people today still use these types of treatments instead of or in addition to modern medicine.
Different cultures have had their own specific types of alternative medicine and many different types of treatments. Many of these treatments have survived and are still effective today. In fact, massage, which many people swear by in the modern world is actually one of the oldest forms of alternative medicine and records of massage therapy date back to ancient Egypt.
In ancient Europe there were two types of healers, the professional physicians and the folk healers. The folk healers lived in the lower class and healed the people of each village who could not afford the expensive physicians. These people believed in the folk treatment and it worked for them. This type of situation also occurred in many other cultures.
In Western culture, philosophy was frequently used to assist the folk healers in their quest for a holistic treatment. Philosophy was important because it told the stories of their lives. With a twist of philosophy and religion as well as belief, they easily found the best treatment available for whatever it was that was ailing the villagers of this time.
We now have a more advanced or instantaneous form of medical treatment, but alternative medicine can still be very effective. Massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, herbal, humor therapy, meditation, and many other forms of holistic healing are used every day. In fact some of these treatments have become so popular that they are no longer considered alternative medicine and they are now supported by modern physicians.
Although the theory of alternative medicine has been ridiculed throughout the centuries , it has survived for one reason - It works. Alternative treatments may not work as fast as the treatments that we have today, but these natural types of treatments can be better for you overall, if you just give them a chance.
Tag :
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Keywords: medicine, alternative, treatments, types, massage, people, healers, modern, treatment, folk, effective, therapy
Description: alternative medicine and modern medicine have may differences and whose to say which is best? today, we expect doctors and medicines to fix whatever

How to Make Your Own Rose Hips
I was enjoying a long (very long) hike over the weekend that brought me in contact with a wide variety of plants and animals. While taking a breather at a ranger station, I was admiring a plant which had what looked to be cherry tomatoes or some kind of red berry sprouting from its branches. The ranger said I was looking at a rose bush and the red fruit it was producing went by the name of rose hips.
"Rose Hips" I shrieked. I had known of the supplement for years but had never seen a real live rose hip. I was informed that rose hips form after the rose bloom has died. Almost any rose variety will produce hips but the ranger informed me that the Rosa rugosa formed the tastiest variety if you planned on eating them. Further research confirmed that Rosa rugosa is the bush of choice for tasty rose hips.
Why Eat Rose Hips?
Probably the best reason to eat or drink rose hips is the incredible source of vitamin C that it provides. Studies have shown vitamin C to be helpful with fighting infection, colds/flu, sore throat, fatigue and stress to name a few. Hips provide almost 20 times the amount of vitamin C found in Oranges
How do I Grow Rose Hips?
As I have mentioned, there seams to be a consensus that Rosa rugosa is the best plant to use for growing rose hips. Let the blooms die on the bush (resist the temptation to cut the beautiful blooms, the more you cut the less hips you will produce) and the hips will begin to form. They will start out green and begin to turn red similar to the way a tomato ripens. Harvest them when they become completely red but not overripe, this usually occurs after the first frost.
Preparing the Hips
You can use rose hips either fresh off the vine, dried, or preserved. To dry the fruit spread the hips out on a clean surface. Allow them to dry until the skin begins to feel dry and slightly shriveled. At this point, split the hips in half and take out all of the seeds and tiny hairs in the center. Remember not to use aluminum pans or utensils as this will destroy some of the vitamin C.
After the seeds are removed you can let the hips dry completely. Don't wait to remove the seeds until hips are completely dry or you will have trouble with de-seeding.
Store the dried hips in sealed plastic bags. Freeze for long term use or put in the refrigerator if you plan on using over a two or three month period. Hips can be eaten as a semi-sweet snack at anytime. You can also make tea and preserves; I have listed two recipes below to get you started.
What about Supplements?
Rose hip supplements are available at most health food and vitamin stores. For me, the fun is in making your own hips. If you just want vitamin C there isn't really a whole lot of difference between taking regular vitamin C supplement and vitamin C with rose hips (except the price, hips will cost a bit more).
If you are fortunate enough to have roses at your home, here are some recipes you might want to try:

Hip Tea Recipe
Place 4-6 hips (prepared as noted above) in the bottom of a non-aluminum pan
Add 2 cups of cool water
Allow water to come to a boil
Let simmer for about 30 minutes (less if you like a weaker tea)
Strain and add sweetener to taste

Hip Marmalade
Prepare hips as noted above and soak in cool water for several hours
Bring hips soaking in water to a boil for about 20 minutes
Strain out water
Add one cup of brown sugar or granulated sugar per one cup of the strained water
Boil the sweetened water until it becomes thick and syrupy
Add the previously boiled hips and continue boiling until hips are tender
Pour into jars and seal
Tag :
how to make rose hip tea
planting rose hips
vitamin c with rose hips
rose hips oil
rose hips recipes
rose hip jelly
harvesting rose hips
how to eat rose hips
Keywords: hips, rose, vitamin, water, variety, completely, rosa, bush, seeds, ranger, rugosa, form

Description: how to make your own rose hips by: michael brooks i was enjoying a long (very long) hike over the weekend that brought me in contact with a wide
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