Friday, April 29, 2016

Feeding the children

Hello Friends,

Today I would like us to talk about health and nutrition. Nutrition has been called the single greatest environmental influence on babies in the womb and during infancy, and it remains essential throughout the first years of life. A proper balance of nutrients in this formative period is critical for normal brain development.  Shortages of nutrients such as iron and iodine can impair cognitive and motor development, and these effects are often irreversible. Nutrition is also an important part of academic success and physical development. In vulnerable communities children often attend school without having had anything to eat and spend the whole day at school on an empty stomach. In the rural communities we work in, teachers highlight how difficult it is for some of the pupils to concentrate during class when they are hungry. When we conduct our regular health assessments one can clearly observe stunted growth due to malnutrition in some of the pupils. To mitigate this challenge, Nhaka Foundation with the help of its partners and the rural communities in the Mashonaland East Province is currently implementing a Health Assessment Program and a wet School Feeding Program in primary schools. 

Each day pupils receive a traditional, highly nutritious drink called maheu at break time. 
Maheu consist of a blend of maize meal, sorghum and water and has since time immemorial been used as a meal on the go. It has a high roughage content making it a food and a drink at the same time which can be taken at any time of the day. Maheu also have a high nutritional content with 12 vitamins and nutrients, which guarantees the health and development of the children having it on a daily basis.The kids love it and seeing them drink and enjoy the drink is enough reward for me. As Programs Officer part of my job is ensuring the food drink is delivered timeously and that it is being served according to agreed food and health standards. I am so passionate about the feeding program that the kids now call me “Mr Maheu”.

Our organisation’s mission;, “to educate, feed and improve the health of orphans and vulnerable children” is put to the test in a climate where millions are facing hunger due to political, socio-economic challenges which have been exacerbated by two consecutive drought seasons between 2015 and 2016. In order to ensure that the feeding program is sustained past the intervention period Nhaka Foundation seeks to provide a nutritional solution that will not only address the immediate need to provide food relief but also have an option that can be replicated in the communities that we serve. This is why we chose Maheu. Since maheu has been made for decades communities know how to grow the ingredients as well as make it. They can therefore come together to as a collective to feed the children on a continuous basis. 

I would like to leave you with this thought I read from the Journal of Nutrition (2010); the long-term health and vitality of entire nations depends on the wellbeing of its individual children. As an organisation with the support of local and international partners we seek to provide our children with the fair opportunity to grow and develop just as well as they privileged peers, through the use of sustainable methods that can be replicated with ease.

Best wishes,


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Become a Sugar Detective

Volvic Blogparade: Blackberry Infused Water:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away." 

One constant in the educational work we do in Growing Healthy Kids is teaching parents and kids about sugar.  All parents need to know about the difference between added sugars and natural sugars.  All kids need to learn that natural sugar is what our bodies were designed to process, but only in small quantities. Excessive sugar intake is linked to belly fat, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, and poor cancer survival rates. The average American consumes about 41 teaspoons of sugar a day, while the guidelines from American Heart Association call for limiting sugar intake to 6-9 teaspoons a day.  NOTE:  One teaspoon of sugar contains 4 grams of carbohydrates.

Sugars that are added to foods during processing are the ones we don't need.  Read a nutrition facts panel on a cereal box or a box of Pop Tarts and see how many different added sugars you can find.  Here's a clue: any ingredient that ends in “-ose” is a sugar.  Always check food labels for what I call “the evil empire sugar” or high fructose corn syrup.  Added sugars come in many names, more than 50.  To view a list, just go to pages 23-26 of Nourish and Flourish:  Kid-Tested and Approved Tips and Recipes to Prevent Diabetes.*

The sugar you eat should be limited to natural sugars, that found in fruits and some vegetables (like sweet potatoes and corn).  Fruit also contains dietary fiber (the "bones" which give fruits their unique form ) which helps to slow down the absorption of sugar.   

Here are 3 tips parents and kids can use:
  1. Read food labels and look for “high fructose corn syrup”.  If the food or drink contains it, don’t buy it.
  2. Choose foods and drinks without added sugars.
  3. Replace fruit juice with fresh fruit.

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich

Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.

*To order a copy of Nourish and Flourish, click on the link in the top right corner of this page.  

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Sleep and Your Weight

"Sleep is the best meditation." 
                                       --Dalai Lama

Whoever invented sleep is my hero.  Nothing beats a great night’s sleep. 

I talk with so many people who take prescription drugs for sleep.  Doctors love to hand out prescriptions for sleeping pills instead of getting to the root cause.  How much profit is being made by Big Pharma with all the prescriptions written? What is the marketing budget? Apparently, we can a big problem sleeping in the U.S. because we spend more than $32 billion a year trying to sleep.

A good night’s sleep is key to staying at a healthy weight.  When people who want to lose weight ask me for help, one of the first questions I ask is about sleep.  Not getting enough sleep is a risk factor for obesity.

According to National Institutes of Health, “Sleep helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don't get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you're well-rested.

Sleep also affects how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) level. Sleep deficiency results in a higher than normal blood sugar level, which may increase your risk for diabetes.”

Here are 3 tips you can use:
  • Maintain regular bedtimes.
  • Keep electronics out of the bedroom.
  • Have sleep hygiene habits such as no caffeine after 3 pm.

Parents should be mindful of the importance of a good night’s sleep for their own health and children’s health.  Teach your children.  Be a good role model.  Now, off to bed!

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich

Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Image result for pictures of asparagus growing

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"  
                                                                                       --Robin Williams

What is your favorite thing about spring?  Watching leaves appear on trees?  Buying daffodils?  Exclaiming over beautiful azaleas, redbuds, and dogwoods?  For me, it is all of these.  My very favorite?  Waiting for locally grown asparagus to show up in local farmers markets!  

I am not talking about the asparagus shipped in from Mexico.  Who knows what chemicals they contain?  How many days ago were they harvested?   No, I am talking about locally grown asparagus, wherever you happen to be.  Last year, I was in Denmark when white asparagus was in season.  What a feast it was every evening!

Image result for pictures of asparagus growing

While I (im)patiently wait for the season’s first asparagus, I am busy collecting favorite  veggie recipes into a little book to share with friends.  There are so many health and cancer prevention benefits of asparagus!  It contains chromium (a trace mineral which helps insulin move sugar out of the blood into the cells, great if you have diabetes), folate (great for your brain), and lots of fiber.  One of the simplest ways to prepare and enjoy fresh asparagus is to roast or grill it.  Here’s my recipe for this delicious spring delight:


  • 2 pounds fresh asparagus
  • Olive oil
  • Pink Himalayan sea salt

Preheat oven to 450.  Trim woody ends off stalks.  Place asparagus in a single row on a baking sheet.  Drizzle oil and season with sea salt.  Gently toss.  Roast about 10 minutes or until asparagus is tender.  Top with freshly grated parmesan, if desired. Serve immediately.

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich

Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: The Year of the Pulses

"Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have."   
                                    --Winston Churchill

Lentils, dried peas and beans are always included in our Kids in the Kitchen lessons.  They are one of the most nutrient dense foods available.  There are so many ways you can prepare them.  You can buy a truckload for a dollar (maybe not that cheap, but they are really, really cheap).  When people tell me they can’t afford to feed their kids healthy foods, the answer is to teach them how to prepare lentils and other pulses. 

In 2013, the United Nations declared that 2016 will be The Year of the Pulses. Confession:  I had eaten lentils for years before I heard the term “pulses”. 

What is a pulse?  A pulse is an edible seed that grows in a pod.  Pulses include all beans, peas, and lentils.  They do not include fresh beans and peas.  They are extremely high in both soluble and insoluble fiber.  They are also rich in protein and have high levels of minerals such as iron, zinc, and phosphorus as well as folate and other essential B vitamins.   They are cheap and are easy to store.  They help prevent diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.

Some of my favorite pulses:
  • Brown lentils
  • French lentil
  • Black lentils
  • Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  • Pinto beans
  • Black beans
  • Cannellini beans
  • Mung beans
  • Yellow split peas
For some great pulse recipes, visit and  For my favorite hummus recipe, check out Nourish and Flourish:  Kid-Tested Tips and Recipes to Prevent Diabetes (available at  

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich
Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Obesity in Adults: 7 Tips You Can Use

"Pasta does not make you fat.  How much pasta you
eat makes you fat." 
                                                 --Giada De Laurentiis

Obesity rates continue to climb.  Adults who are obese are 4.7 times more likely to develop diabetes.  For the wealthiest nation in the world that spends more than $245 billion on diagnoseddiabetes (as estimated in 2012), a whopping 41% increase over the previous 5 years, we are spending a lot of money on a preventable disease that could be used many other ways.

Growing Healthy Kids is committed to preventing diabetes in children and educating parents how to prevent, control, and reverse diabetes.  Are you are parent?  Start with a simple plan to make one change a week.  Record your plan in a notebook and measure your changes. 

Make health goals that are SMART:  Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Specific.  Review this list of 7 tips and pick out several to implement for you and your family.  Use them to create SMART goals:
  1. Start every day with a breakfast that includes some high quality protein (like eggs or yogurt), a little fat, and some healthy carbs (fresh fruit or veggies). 
  2. Make family dinner time a priority at least 4 nights a week (depending on the kids’ sports and other commitments)
  3. Ban cell phones from the dinner table.  This small change encourages conversation about the day and dining at a slower, relaxed pace, allowing everyone to taste and enjoy their food.
  4. Take a walk after dinner, whenever the weather permits. 
  5. Eat a salad featuring local greens (when available) at least once a day.  Ask your kids to create a family salad bar with 5 or 6 ingredients. 
  6. Learn to make a simple vinaigrette for your salads (see my recipe below).
  7. Replace fruit juice with fresh fruit. 

GROWING HEALTHY KIDS:  Our Recipe Collection

MIXtogether in a bowl (or in a jar and then you can just shake it well):
  • ·        1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • ·        1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • ·        ¼ cup Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
  • ·        1 teaspoon honey (use locally produced honey where available)
  • ·        sea salt
  • ·        fresh ground pepper

BEAT with a whisk or a fork until the mixture emulsifies.

This is a great dressing for a simple chopped salad using fresh, locally grown greens.  We love salads made with fresh picked organic greens, arugula, tomatoes, cucumbers, pears, avocados, garbanzo beans, and apples.

Make a plan.  Keep it simple.  Think of what YOU would do with $245 billion!

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich

Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A view from the Finance Desk

Hello Friends,

I am happy to be blogging today, something we finance people rarely get to do. Creating child safe environments is a dynamic process that involves active participation and responsibility by everyone in the community – individuals, families, government and non-government organisations and community groups. Sharing responsibility for the care and protection of children helps to develop a stronger, more child-focused community. 

A community conscious of safe spaces for its children can: 
  • care for all children; 
  • identify vulnerable children; support children who have been abused and neglected; 
  • and prevent further harm to children. 
At Nhaka Foundation our programs help communities and schools to provide safe environments for children. Through our Early Childhood Development (ECD) outdoor playground equipment construction and ECD Classroom renovation we have been able to create a safe playing environment for ECD pupils. A child's environment affects their development and behavior. A well-planned, indoor and outdoor environment makes it easier for children to learn, to get along with one another and become independent. Effective environments can also make things easier for the parents, teachers and guardians. Be it a school or home setting, a positive learning environment is crucial for a child. A positive learning environment not only consists of the physical setting, but it also encompasses how the child feels or responds to the setting.

What I have learnt through the work we do at Nhaka Foundation? Young children need teachers who take time to work with them individually, in small groups, and sometimes with the entire class–to help them develop their cognitive and social skills, their language abilities, and their interest in learning new things about the world. Through our ECD para professional and teacher training program teachers receive in service training to build their capacity in line with child development trends. The focus of a child safe environment is not simply to create an environment that minimises risk or danger. Rather it is about building an environment which is both child-safe and child-friendly, where children feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

A lot still needs to be done in the communities we serve. Being the "number cruncher" means that I get to see how we spend our funding directly on the children we serve each and every day. We need more and you can help in your individual or collective efforts. Visit our webpage DONATE button and partner with us as we carry out this work.

Until next time,


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