With Summer around the corner, I was feeling like experimenting with flavored waters. I used my giant drink dispenser so that I could leave it out all day long as an incentive for my kids to remember to drink up. It worked!
When I was in Flordia on a trip with my husband, they had the most amazing displays of water dispensers with all kinds of patterns of fresh fruit pushed around the edges. Here is what you will need to make the fruit look as pretty as it tastes!
1. slice up fruit. I like watermelon, cucumbers, limes, oranges or strawberries.
2. Add some ice and then add 1 row of fruit. Use the ice to hold your fruit to the edge.
3. Then add some more ice and another layer of fruit. Repeat till you are close to the top.
4. Fill with water.
What are some of your favorite combos of fruit infused water?